Bugzilla rocks!
The short version of this paean to open source software and community responsibility for accessibility:
Bugzilla is Firefox's mechanism for reporting bugs. Yeah!!! Go Bugzilla! Go people who post and respond to bugs!
RantWoman especially commends the bug of the day so far:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=854848 regarding support for longdesc
Longdesc when properly implemented greatly enhances RantWoman's capacity to appreciate her info streams. RantWoman is REALLY REALLY happy to be able to look at things with magnification and see a LOT. RantWoman is also really really happy sometimes to read a description fast with her screen reader and not have to go through all the contortions she might need to find a visual element. Getting RantWoman the content she wants, as little content she does not want and with the timing and access pathways she wants is a FAST route to RantWoman happiness, greater productivity, more energy to share with the rest of the world.... Word!
RantWoman did not know Bugzilla existed until someone DM'd Rantwoman exhorting her to opine in favor of supporting longdesc and inviting her to vote on the bug.
Yeah!!!!! RantWoman is thrilled, thrilled to know that she can take her many opportunities to be frustrated by bugs, look them up to see whether others have noticed, write them up and if RantWoman has no time for further intervention assume that the bugs may possibly get handled. The "may possibly get handled" is itself such an improvement over inchoate frustration emitted into the ether. "May possibly get handled" means there is a place to store issues large and small and flocks of technically capable and technically inclined gnomes who might interact even if RantWoman herself has no dang time and not necessarily sufficient technical zeal to wade in further herself.
So everyone, Support the longdesc element.
The longer, fully annotated version with digressions for additional documentation:
Go ahead, DM RantWoman! Make my day! Help me wrangle software bugs, accessibility deficits, ....
RantWoman would so prefer to be busy::
--Penning multiple commentaries about transit. )see other and pending posts) Highlights: vigorous civic participation in the form of exhortations to legislative bodies in favor of supporting transit. RantWoman might also reflect about the lengths RantWoman herself MIGHT go to in order to avoid holding a press conference on April Fool's Day. RantWoman feels especially ardent about press conferences devoted to issues of MASSIVE public importance such as transit cuts looming if the WA state legislure does not get its act together to do a transportation bill, and more precisely a transportation that treats transit as a serious and vital part of WA's transportation infrastructure. Never mind the date of the press conference, THIS IS NO JOKE World!
--Ranting about Highly Motivated Workers who spend 4 hours / day on transit to work an 8-hour shift. http://www.kuow.org/post/pierce-transit-cuts-raise-concerns-blind-rider
It's a good thing this guy finds community among the people he rides with because his commute does not leave him any time for any other form of community. The transit issues the person interviewed about absolutely need public attention BUT RantWoman is also permitting herself a digression about how this guy sounds like a highly motivated worker who travels with some other highly motivated workers. Surely SOMEONE in Tacoma might be able to figure out how to put this motivation to work in ways that, say, cut his commute in half. Surely?
--Penning the next iteration of her dialogue withvarious pillars of her faith community about God showing up in email, and not infrequently in inconvenient email to boot. RantWoman has to assume that other faith communities might occasionally find themselves in testy conversations about accommodations and accessibility which is why she even brings up the topic here. RantWoman and her faith community are, to put it bluntly, driving each other crazy just now. There is that faith part and that community part and both of those pieces are holding steady, but so is the driving each other crazy. Mostly that is all grist for another blog.
Oh wait, RantWoman needs to TRY to be kind to readers and TRY to stick to one topic per message, or at least to supply some unifying theme such as what is the economic value of the different factors influencing RantWoman's decisions about when and how to go anywhere and what to do with her time (fix bugs? ladle needed bits of info from the worldwide info flood....)
A closing note:
Bugzilla etiquette: try to refrain from excessively pedantic editorial corrections of the Bugzilla etiquette page: RantWoman would probably prefer just "You might commit a number of faux pas when using Bugzilla ..." RantWoman DOES NOT HAVE TIME to hyperventilate and obsess, let alone to concede the possibility that her reflex to say "There are a number of ..." instead of "There is a number of ...." may have no basis in grammatical reality.
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
12 hours ago
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