Today's service profile at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for extreme computing includes...lexicography regarding wild ungulates..and ice cream, or at least ice creamreviews, on top of air conditioning. Further confession: RantWoman does not object to the AC during a heat wave;RantWoman's bigger problem is that her home internet connection melted and RantWoman needs to get her internet fix somehow while she awaits a new modem and negotiates with service providers regarding an improved deal. RantWoman's brain would rather be on summervacation, adaptively conceived for RantWoman's peculiar situation.
RantWoman grew up in MT. Many of RantWoman's college friends mysteriously expected her to be an expert about ....buffalo ...or as they are also known, bison. RantWoman recommends the search engine of one's choice.
RantWoman is deeply amused: the person who most recently asked RantWoman whether bison and buffalo are the same things is by profession, someone RantWoman would predict would be more interested in an esoteric item search engines dredge up
Here are some pictures to complete the summer vacation effect:
RantWoman presents the above offerings in honor of Mr. and Mr. ComputerScientists who only recently decided to become Mr. and Mrs. despite over 20 years of happiness together already. Mr. and Mrs. Computer Scientist only recently took a mini honeymoon not far from where they live in KY. Somehow the trip involved bison and Mr. Computer Scientist in a field needing to stare at some bison, apparently from a respectful distance. RantWoman is happy to stick to the internet. Apparently guys connected with the Rant Family are not the only ones who need to stare at large wild ungulates.
As for ice cream brand comparisons, the discussion got derailed by mention of price per scoop and RantWoman decided it would be a much better deal just to go to the grocery store.
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
11 hours ago
ReplyDeleteRantWoman sent the link for this item off to the new Mrs. Computer Scientist. The following exchange resulted.
Mrs. Computer Scientist:
Moo. Mr. ComputerScientist says that "Buffalo is a maybe-proper subset of
Hmm Is "maybe proper subset" a precise term in the domain?
OR is it like when one of the former treasurers at RantWoman's faith community
used to refer to peanut buttering costs across time intervals?
Mrs. Computer Scientist:
So there you have it, precise buffalo, or precise terms, or maybe proper subsets...