Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cow Chips

Good news left over from #HackforChangeSEA #openstreetmap efforts to document Pioneer Square including #a11y accessibility points: the famous Cow chip ice cream sandwich store is still near First and Yesler. Confirmed by personal reconaissance because it was a glorious evening and the walk seemed like a better idea than the quacking screen reader.

RantWoman needs to know about the Cow Chip Cookie place because a Friend, Dr. History Professor and her husband and her seeing eye dog will be coming to town next month. They found a hotel booking and plan to spend a day of tourism and hanging with RantWoman before they depart for a cruise to Alaska.

RantWoman recently learned of the new ORCACard day pass test! RantWoman told Dr.history Professor and Dr. History Professor checked with their hotel. They can get their ORCA card day passes at the hotel. Now, where will we go?

RantWoman has known Dr. History Professor long enough, like since graduate school, to know that Dr. History Professor and her sister have this cow and pig sister thing. Aside from general interest in ice cream, the Cow Chip place might GREATLY amuse Dr. History Professor for its resonance with the sister thing.

But...there is the seeing eye dog. RantWoman has never met this seeing eye dog. RantWoman assumes the merchants will be fine with the dog. Well RantWoman has no way of knowing but that is not the problem. Problem is lots of seeing eye dogs easily get interested in anything foodlike on the ground. In RantWoman's experience there tend to be lots of food scraps on the sidewalks in Pioneer Square. So that is strike 1.

Strike 2: RantWoman has not met Dr. History Professor's husband either but Dr. History Professor says he does not like to walk very far. RantWoman suspects she will not know what "walk very far" means until the travelers arrive. RantWoman can probably do bus routings to minimize walking, but RantWoman still is not sure that will include a trip to the cow chip ice cream place. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Postscript: Dr. History Professor, Mr. History Professor, and Seeing Eye Dog all visited and stayed in a hotel on Lake Union. RantWoman and Dr. History Professor got together late Friday afternoon .First we just had to have a good long yak. RantWoman also supplied a couple gift foldup nylon shopping bags for the bag ban novices to have on hand.

    The thought of downtown Friday afternoon gridlock plus general lethargy swallowed up any temptation even to try to get to the Cow Chip Cookie place.

    As far as tourism dollars, a trip to REI, an REI greeter who VERY kindly escorted the shopping party to the first department on our list, and tasty World Wraps, including Samurai Salmon are probably a better deal anyway.

    But sometime....
