Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Horror: The App is Crap / Do you want our Business?

RantWoman is still binge-blogging current Halloween horrors from her life and her inbox.

Tonight's theme with a couple variations: Dear company who serves a lot of blind people, your new app is crap.

Flashing lights, flying witch, twinkling stars
Animated Halloween silliness

Dear Frozen meals delivery company, you have LOTS of blind customers. Do you have the organizational memory to remember when blind customers deluged your president with requests for a Braille catalog?

Well, now, some of those avid braille readers also have Smartphones, and they would probably like to put in a good word for your services with other Smartphone users. So it's kind of disappointing when your new app is inaccessible crap.

Sincerely, RantWoman

Dear Local Technology Executive,

You too are annoying blind people who would be happy to keep paying for the services they appreciate--except that your new app is also inaccessible!

Fix it 'kay?


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