Saturday Wayfinding 1: RantWoman's building to University Village for lunch.
Up Inaccessible to manual wheelchair users hill to stop for SB 8. Bus pulling up just as RantWoman arrives. Sweet except for the less exercise part.
Mt. Baker Transit center. Digression to the bank for monthly laundry quarters.
#Ulink2016 to Husky Stadium.
Elevator to street level.
Is there a walking path N to U Village and if so, will RantWoman find it?
Never mind. RantWoman found the new stop for the Rt 65.
15-minute headway; ride one stop. Serious tree root vs asphalt topography underfoot but follow the bobbling crowds to the underpass. Yes! Find the Underpass.
Fog vigorously around University Village.
It has been a long time since RantWoman visited. A LOT has changed. The no curbs thing is, um, interesting. RantWoman would LOVE some yellow domes to warn her when she is about to cross a place where there might be cars.
Finally ask directions to the restaurant. Could RantWoman give directions a totally blind person could follow? Not so much. Never mind. They all come by ACCESS.
Restaurant is not crowded . #OpeningDay2016 is a ways away afterall.
Meal and chatting over. Time to reverse the route.
Fog and Fog, generally South. Oh good. Path that looks like it will go to the underpass.
Out of underpass just as bus pulls up.
Ride 3-4 stops through campus, long enough to figure out if the goal is cat litter according to Queen of Spades standards, just ride Link to Broadway and walk.
Wayfinding, part 2. Canned cat food and home, without falling into pits adjacent to crosswalks.
Rt 11 up the hill from Broadway and Pine.
Off at 17th and Madison.
Cross Madison.
Cross 17th Ave. Don't fall into the hole around the storm drain! RantWoman already did #Finditfixit once.
Shop for cat food, sundry RantWoman incidentals. Pay.
Homeward Bound. Rt 2 to MLK and then 8 home? or hoof it up 17th and get the 8. Hoof it up 17th Ave? There is construction at MLK and Union and last time RantWoman went to Grocery Outlet, the potholes in the pavement along the painted crosswalk were still there. rantWoman assumes they will still be there for awhile; RantWoman herself probably would not try to fix until the construction is done. So for now, RantWoamn will walk up and ride the #8 back to the same bus stop where she started.
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
12 hours ago
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