Monday, October 1, 2018

Some days, enough simply to be grateful for no chewing tobacco.

The subject of Grief and Rage came up directly as an afterthought after worship in RantWoman's faith community. This could not possibly have anything to do with certain judicial nomination hearings or the fact that a few thousand kids have been moved from comparatively sane licensed facilities in TX to tent camps on the US Mexico border. Nor Orange Foolius infatuation with a certain North Korean dictator. Well, okay, it has a LITTLE to do with the judicial hearings, and whether someone who falls in love with said North Korean dictator really is the most helpful character witness for said judicial nominee.

RantWoman means to write further extended meditation on the torrents of triggerworthy  threads  tangled in her psyche, but first RantWoman is distracted by country music which came RantWoman's way via a MT connection.

Blake Shelton, Boys around here.

Alert readers will note reference to....chewing tobacco!

Ewww. Gross. Could RantWoman just go back to considering whether to quiz a couple 17-year-old guys she knows about consent, and like how people do stupid and hurtful things as teenagers? But, yes, MOST guys make it to adulthood without sexually assaulting someone while stumbling drunk.

RantWoman, just Stick to the Chewing tobacco!

Okay, miracle of miracles, to date nowhere in any of the #Kavanaug hearings, so far, knock on wood, cross fingers has chewing tobacco come up in conversation.

Chewing tobacco comes in small round cans which , at least on planet RantWoman, are customarily stored in the back pocket of one's jeans. Over time the tobacco cans leave a wear pattern in the pockets. Around RantWoman's high school this wear pattern was known as "ring around the butt." Take Note for one thing because urbandictionary. com has an even less appealing definition of this phrase. Who does their research?.

Perhaps it is enough, despite all the other tangles, to be thankful that the phrase "ring around the butt" is probably not a thing at Georgetown Prep.

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