Monday, February 10, 2025

A Couple of Bad Days for Russian Shipping: if you thought parallel parking was hard, try maneuvering an icebreaker alongside a stuck ship and otherphysical and metaphorical rough sea moments

RantWoman has discovered a new and exotic way to distract herself from....

It's a YouTube channel called "What's going on with Shipping" RantWoman may have written of it before, but it's time to do it again.

RantWoman considers the channel an AWESOME go-to for LOTS of different shipping and navigation terminology. Not exactly comprehensively indexed as far as RantWoman knows, but a MASSIVE well of terminology.

The other point: paying attention to all the dimensions of global shipping offers one window into why the heck a certain President is getting expansionist about both Canada and Greenland. Global warming could be a GOOD thing if one wants easier shipping and access to mineral resources in the arctic and doesn't care too much about filling the atmosphere with carbon dioxide from traffic in and burning of fossil fuels.

Enjoy the video. More snark on the other side.

in related news

No RantWoman, do not go there. Do not wander further into SCIENCE just because someone on Twitter / X brought up the calving of Antarctic glaciers in the spirit of "all this talk of climate change is a hoax."

A chunk of glacier "the size of Rhode Island" has calved off a glacier in Antarctica. 

RantWoman did not appropriately mark the tweet that referred to a satellite study saying that an incident like that is about average for yearly glacial calving, a point which is only one of the hazards of attempting scientific discussion 280 characters at a time in Elon's sandbox. The other part of the assertion: so no one can blame global warming on someone's SUV's.

Wanna bet?

First, receding glaciers aside, there a TON of urban design and pedestrian safety reasons for a #WarOnCars.

Next, meander back into historical records of the Little Ice Age, sundry volcanic eruptions and patterns of glacial recission all over the planet over recent decades. Do not attempt precise scientific reasoning 280 characters at a time. Do not mention sea level rise or shifting mountain tree lines or...

Then, although RantWoman is desperately seeking escape from any meditation upon the current occupant of the White House, apparently going there is almost inevitable. As long as #DementiaDonOld spouts all kinds of nonscience nonsense, tries to reroute hurricanes with a sharpie, blubbers about bringing prices down... why the heck NOT also blame receding glaciers on a presidential Bad hair day or something?

OK, OK. RantWoma, ENOUGH for tonight. Save further commentary about Elon's sandbox for another evening.

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