Wednesday, October 16, 2024

UNITE HERE rolling strikes for better wages and working conditions come to Seattle

The #WhiteCaneDay walk route went right by the Westin hotel.

How did RantWoman and the other walkers miss a picket line?

Never mind. More on the other side.

The kinds of physical labor needed to keep a hotel in top service form and to handle food preparation are very physically demanding. 

Add to that commute time if the places workers can afford to live are miles away and / or the workers don't drive.

Workers should be able to survive on one job, not 2 or 3 to keep the wolf from the door.

This strike is part of a nationwide campaign of rolling strikes coming into the holiday travel season.

RantWoman hopes the strike gets resolved.

RantWoman hopes the strike gets resolved in a timely way, without drama.

Enough said for now.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Discover Ambutech’s Full Range of Mobility Canes and Accessories! | Find...

Just in time for #WhiteCaneDay2024

2024 is the 60th anniversary of #WhiteCaneDay

Look for more reflections over the next few days as #WhiteCaneDay is observed in different places.

Please enjoy a whole bunch of white cane vocabulary.

Despite the esoteric terminology, there is plenty more info to be learned about cane travel. Just not tonight.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tested Negative!

 Nose is still a little irritated but OUT on an errand.

Note to self: flu shot. Ask how long before I should get #COVID booster. Party!

Hold off for a week visiting RantMom. They sent emails about people testing positive but everyone is cleared and the few staff affected are clear to return to work.

Need to keep up the hydration and sleep. Fortunately past the couple days when I could sleep a REALLY long time for me.

Ordered my new free tests. Not charmed by prices on Amazon but I will cope

Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 11

RantWoman keeps meeting people getting #COVID for the first time.

Is that because at least in the crowd where RantWoman was today, NO ONE wears masks prophylactically.

Yes indeed, RantWoman put on a good mask, braved rain at start of trip, made an easy bus connection, walked 5 blocks from bus to event and WENT TO A LIVE EVENT with people she mostly has only met on Zoom.

One live event miracle is all the side conversations one can have.

Event was a celebration. RantWoman still owes the world some posts from the media kit but not tonight.

By the time RantWoman walked the 5 blocks back to the same bus, rode back to Seattle, and misguessed about the best stop to get the beloved 8 home, RantWoman was EXHAUSTED.

Nose and congestion still feel not normal. But at least the #COVID test shows negative. Go figure. 

RantWoman will be trying to add more mid day walks and runs on the exercise bike to stay better in condition. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day 9 with some Cyber security awareness month to distract me

Pay attention to the above advice because it was collected while brain is not quite all there.

Day 9. Yesterday's test was defective. Today's still has two stripes though the test one is lighter.

Not really spiking fevers but temp regulation is a little off, possibly just because of not enough exercise.

In person event tomorrow. Find one of the good two-layer masks with a wire over the nose.

Give self the option of staying home.

No I still have not contacted my health care provider.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Day 6: Masks and chopped celery

Second bar took awhile
Covid test card

 The last few tests, the second bar appears almost as soon as the test solution hits the card. This one took awhile.

Weird because I still feel a little #COVID y

Lungs keep clearing.

A little achy but the same taste I always get with tylenol.

Finally decided to go ahead and order vegetables. I should have waited because friends offered. But chopping and freezing celery and green peppers feels like needed exercise.

Cognitively, somehow misjudged distance. Bumped a neighbor who told me to go take a nap. But definitely had brain cells for next in a series of COOL software trainings.

Topical Rant

RantWoman HATES paper masks.

RantWoman dislikes waste and feeling forced into disaster capitalism.

RantWoman finds paper masks irritating.

RantWoman hearts cloth masks

any mask is better than no mask.

Enough said.