RantWoman is still working on her Monday-morning inventory and motivational calamity moments. RantWoman has to STOP filling the blogosphere with her opinions and interact with Matters at Hand but apparently not quite yet:
RantWoman is following a local story that has now gone national. RantWoman thinks there are some very important local issue subtleties that have not come out yet and she does not want them to get lost in a deluge of nationwide chatter repeating what is already obvious from a couple videos.
RantWoman is also annoyed in general at her beloved Seattle PI because they have started just posting links to all over the place instead of reformatting things in their own format. The info content is the same. What is annoying to RantWoman is that every time she goes to a new site she has to spend extra time figuring out things like whether the site uses headings or had other features that make life with a screen reader more of a standardized experience. The short answer, apparently not always.
Then RantWoman feels inadequate not only because she is annoyed by the uneven presentation, but also because RantWoman has to wonder whether the problem is somehow her fault for not being a superstar screen reader user. Then RantWoman has to go back to phone calls about topics she would much rather delegate and topics she would much rather NOT try to solve in email and things she needs to READ instead of WRITE, that is generally matters at hand.
This line of thinking could easily derail RantWoman to thinkinb about what it means that Daniel Schorr now has staff to ehlp him interact with Twitter. Yesterday on the radio he said what is missing from new media is editing. RantWoman has been known to excoriate editors on principle but she has to agree. On the other hand, sometimes RantWoman has found herself reading fewer articles but spending more time per article digesting the themes that come up in the comments. Well an awful lot of bilge in the comments could profitably be edited away, but sometimes real gems emerge.
RantWoman has some issues about non-profit sector and government programs rattling around her head. So it is helpful in a non-linear way to skim an article linked for today's email about the nonprofit sector in San Francisco. Okay, cannot act on it today, but reading calms the obsessive clamor on those notes in RantWoman's head so the topic can be better stowed for future interaction.
SF Chronicle article about non-profit sector in recession
On another note, Happy 50th Birthday Barbie. How does it feel to be eligible to join AARP? RantWoman feels riffs coming on about her own ferocious allergy to too much pink, dolls, body shape, the first lady's taste in sleeveless clothing, sturdy farm girl physique, Admiral Grace Hopper Barbie, what RantMom would or would not help her children sew, asymmetrical hairdos before they were fashionable and sundry related threads. but Enough said for now.
In all of RantWoman's copious free time she also has to work all of this into business plan and cogent interaction about how long it takes to different tasks and...
And then it's a bright sunny day which makes it easier to get stuff done around the house but also demands that RantWoman take time and get outdoors to move large muscles. Arrrrrgggh.
Midweek Roundup: Magic Median
1 hour ago
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