RantWoman THOUGHT she does NOT, NOT, NOT need video Skype. RantWoman is prone to computing in apparel that would give even the Fashion Emergency producers a headache. RantWoman is prone to doing things in front of her computer such as eating lunch, combing and braiding her hair, flossing her teeth, scribbling notes on whatever surfs up from the piles on her desk, fussing with her phone and generally NOT presenting an image she considers worthy of committing to electrons and emanating into the ether. RantWoman in fact thinks the entire world should be VERY grateful for closed doors and the privacy of one's own home.
RantWoman's hearing is also FINE thank you very much and she cannot imagine that lipreading on the blinky screen would be any kind of fun at all. In fact, RantWoman is so annoyed on principle by poor video quality that she used to think Video Skype would be the LAST thing she would go anywhere near.
RantWoman had an epiphany today and realized she is WRONG. RantWoman is working on anightmarish group edit project with 3 other people two of whom have either acknowledged or unacknowledged hearing loss, actually apparently quite severe. RantWoman was reflecting on how much better conversations go in person, the difficult logistics of conversations in person and the fact that she does not have video Skype. Then a lightbulb sputtered on in RantWoman's head: RantWoman really could not care less about video Skype but her group members would be ever so grateful if RantWoman would just get her act together and get herself some blankety blankety blank video skype so they can read HER lips.
RantWoman does promise to turn off the video while flossing.
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
6 hours ago
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