Thursday, August 15, 2019

Today so far

This is RantWoman's day so far, for better or worse:

Ding! Ding! Ding! RantWoman is EXTRAVAGANTLY happy. RantWoman's faith community has a largish document they revise every 10-20 years. There is a newish version and when it was published, RantWoman asked for help to make it screen reader friendly. RantWoman did not push very hard at the time but has checked back in about once a year for a couple years. Today's email indicates NEXT STEPS. RantWoman feels SO blessed..

RantWoman is making herself do things in Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. This means RantWoman needs to learn some new keyboard shortcuts and new terminology. Think of that as mental spinach. RantWoman actually likes spinach, but RantWoman is also trying to embrace the "Do it because it's good for you" reality. Or choose the Dial-a-Meltdown option.

RantWoman attempted a Survey Monkey survey on her phone with Talkback. RantWoman is able to answer rthe second question on the first page but not the first. The survey will not let RantWoman skip the first question and move on. RantWoman should of course email the experience to Survey Monkey. Instead RantWoman emailed the person who sent her the survey and suggested that, if the person doing the survey wants more responses from blind people completing the survey on their phones, maybe THEY should email Survey Monkey tech support. Then second email with more explanation.  This exact survey is not likely to have a giant number of people who might respond, but  they should probably contact Survey Monkey tech support ahead of future surveys....

RantWoman should compose a separate post about how to make the most of one's Smartphone for relatives losing vision. Recently RantWoman was hiding out at the . A call came in outside regular hours. Actually the call came in twice so the second time RantWoman answered it. Caller's mother is losing vision and he was wondering about buying a computer and voice activation. It turns out his mother already has an Android phone and many wants email and phone calls. Score. Learn to use the Google Assistant and talkback! Here's how the   can help; here will be some ways to practice.

Twitter love for a thread where two low-vision non-drivers get to document discontinuities in transportation system.

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