Look World,
RantWoman thinks #MakeAJoyfulNoise is a really good idea and totally wants to be down with #WeGotThisSeattle. Go outside. Practice #SocialDistancing. Sing. Clap. Bang pots. Express exuberance and gratitude for the roles of health care workers and people on the front lines of for instance getting people around. And RantWoman is considering "Now what?" now that her official 14 days of self-isolating have passed.
RantWoman has stories of her own bus travels while not doing a great job of self-isolating. RantWoman has been trying to wear a bandana when outside her building. The bandana does not stay on well.
RantWoman finds it easier to get on and off the bus at the front entrance where the driver can lower the bus. RantWoman has no useful opinion about the point that boarding in front creates a whole zone where many people can encounter each other's germs. The bandana is supposed to protect one from that germ reality.
RantWoman has a "cough all the time" cough that certainly frightens people but that has not changed at all during RantWoman's spell of self-isolating; in other words, probably not a sign of #Covid19 . RantWoman has long coughed into her sleeve. RantWoman's interaction with telemedicine resulted in one in-person appointment. The cough all the time cough did earn RantWoman a precious mask which stays on better than RantWoman's bandana. One downside is that wearing the mask correctly makes RantWoman's glasses steam up. RantWoman gets that the mask offers little protection against anything except perhaps the possibility that one might transmit something, but today RantWoman was seeing enough masks that maybe the mask gets to be a courtesy thing. The mask will at least remain in RantWoman's purse. Preferably, should it get put on?
RantWoman has stories from her own healthcare that bear out in terms of telemedicine, promptly addressing a problem RantWoman has had before, dealing with new technology. All of that gets to be another post. Tonight the point is Joyful Noise was less the point around RantWoman than Love and Bravery.
For one thing, not many of RantWoman's neighbors are super connected electronically to find out about the celebration online. And the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing is of course closed. And so is the library. And someone used to paying her bills online is ... And welcome to #CoronaVirusSeattle
Plus it's hard to learn about celebrations like this if everyone is practicing social distancing. RantWoman's neighbors are so-so job of maintaining social distance. Mostly except for the part about people who cannot tell when there are already two people in the elevator and they should wait for it to come back. And the part about people who can't read signs. And the people who are just going to ride the elevator and not worry about it.
People also tend to clump in different clumps that tend not to go visit apartments outside their clumps of Friends. So #MakeAJoyfulNoise kind of went winging by. RantWoman was able to walk her breezeway alone for almost 30 minutes of precious if low-impact exercise. A few people came and went from the smoking bench or crossed the parking lot. Some people mask. Some people don't.
In other words, noise was not going to happen, so instead there is conversation with the bus drivers who have end of route restroom relief. Bus drivers whose accents say they are certainly immigrants. A bus driver who said his wife has multiple autoimmune disorders: RantWoman imagines that his life is already so full of love and bravery and heightened possibility for loss that what's one more increment of risk? And RantWoman is humble about her own need to walk, to be able to find the right doors to board the bus, to not be able to do social distancing. RantWoman wishes she did not have to rely on a sense of solidarity, but she does. And she promises more reflections...
RantWoman hopes #MakeAJoyfulNoise will happen again.
Automate Ballard Link
2 hours ago
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