Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bye Bye Printer. Vaccines? Maybe. How many flavors of Zoom can one consume at one time.

Readers who just want a fast lead on help connecting to COVID vaccines, especially readers who may not even be reading this post because of communications barriers are invited to check out the All in WA initiative Go there also if you know people who might be facing technological barriers to taking advantage of vaccination opportunities; especially go there if you have communications options you are comfortable with for passing info along.

In  other random apropos of nothing else in this post news, several weeks ago RantWoman downloaded the WANotify app. RantWoman has not received a single notification of exposure to anyone with COVID. RantWoman imagines this may have as much to do with whether people around her have phones they can put apps on as whether or not RantWoman has been near anyone with COVID. RantWoman is grateful to have no other indications of COVID exposure and enough other health issues to fret about.

Back the this post. The printer at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing is in the process of getting swapped out. This would not have been RantWoman's choice but welcome to the pandemic. The printer was part of a printers in several locations contract now upended several ways. New provisions for printing may be on the horizon but in the meantime, RantWoman cannot even do one of the small things she has been doing to sustain people she, by fiat of landlord, cannot serve directly. RantWoman as of today cannot do anything in the realm of print on request. 

RantWoman cannot actually let anyone else into the computer lab. RantWoman has done a small amount of printing of forms, travel itineraries, and highly distilled COVID related messaging. If anyone had asked, RantWoman would have printed the computer generated ticketed to vaccine available to people who have some way to step through the right branches of the WA State Phase Finder. Today a neighbor who accesses the internet on her phone emailed RantWoman a resume with a request for printing. RantWoman spent the early part of the day zooming on her phone at events that get their own blog post; when RantWoman finally made it to the computer lab, the printer was nowhere to be found. This was not unexpected; it just was not great timing. RantWoman encouraged neighbor to see whether she could submit the resume by email.

Here RantWoman pauses, in certainty that readers want the latest in vaccine chronicles around RantWoman.

A previous post: Pandemia a week ago

First enter acts of God, the severe winter storm smiting the southern US and the galactic level of politican stupidity smiting the people of Texas.

Slog: Snowstorms delay 90% of vaccine shipments to WA

(There are statistics here about the racial and ethnic breakdown of who is getting vaccinated; RantWoman is the sort of morbid data geek who would like to pair the vaccination statistics with statistics about the racial and ethnic breakdown of who is getting sick and dying of COVID.

This just in: the storms in the South are the reason that the Fire Department's vaccine clinic had to sharply curtail what it could deliver. This led to many disappointed neighbors. One household refused the vaccine; another person with a ton of barriers did not get the vaccine because he is a hair too young. RantWoman is fine not getting vaccinated. RantWoman will continue the same regimen of hand-washing and mask wearing she has been doing the whole time. RantWoman will do the best she can to stay 6 feet away from everyone but among RantWoman's neighbors the ability to do this is not to be taken for granted.

RantWoman is glad to know some in her circles, hospice chaplain and social workers, medical practicioners, people who qualify for age reasons, RantMom, Little Sister and Household are getting vaccinated. Once in awhile RantWoman is even willing to go near the argument that well-off people should get the vaccine so they can go out and spend money and try to help pick up the economy. Well, once in awhile.

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