Wednesday, July 27, 2022

VP Harris and that weird introduction....


"My name is (RantWoman) and pronouns are an essay question."

RantWoman invites readers to appreciate the following video. RantWoman has more to say on the other side.

RantWoman learned a lot from Beau's self-description.

RantWoman LOVES both the Mr. Rogers story and Beau's description of his T-shirt. In fact, RantWoman has enough vision to tell Beau wears a different T-shirt in every video and the T-shirts often have designs relevant to the content of the video. RantWoman imagines that some of Beau's audience might howl loudly if he included a self-description in every video but something in the Youtube description or someplace people could go look might be educational for many people.

Beau suggests that most of the people mocking VP Harris' video might have grown up on Mr. Rogers. Maybe, but RantWoman first encountered howls of #DisabilityPrideMonth #Ableism and yowling through the woke-mad media machine of Rep. Lauren Boebert, R CO. Rep. Boebert is not yet 40. It would be nice if the world had a brighter more tolerant and respectful future to look forward to.

All of that said, blind people ourselves have strongly divergent opinions about self-description. Some have absolutely no interest and would never tell sighted people to do it on behalf of blind people. They complain about the amount of time self-description adds to introduction. Other blind people really like it for tons of reasons.

As for RantWoman, RantWoman really loves all the flashy socks she gets from Vim & Vigr. RantWoman has been known to wear say an orange blouse with large white flowers and then to complete the outfit with blue and orange striped socks. When people ask "What are you, blind?" RantWoman tends to say "Yes, and I know what I am wearing."

In general, RantWoman's advice: listen to self-description when it's there. You just might learn something.

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