Saturday, April 27, 2024

Criminal Defendant seeking supporters to greet him before and after daily trial appearances

RantWoman's excuse for missing the joyful opening of the @SoundTransit #2Line is NOT "I have to stay home and fill out evaluations after two days at the #OpenThePaths conference.

RantWoman's excuse for missing the joyful opening of the @SoundTransit #2Line thankfully is NOT "Too many vertical conveyance issues for RantWoman's accessibility needs."

RantWoman's excuse for missing the joyful opening of the @SoundTransit #2Line is NOT "I am running off to an annual event near Ellensburg."  This time, RantWoman is skipping in-person and soaking up the Zoom, but RantWoman has flagged "check current electric car logistics" because she is on the planning committee for the next event in the fall and one proud electric car user who did not go this time mentioned concerns about availability of charging stations.

RantWoman's excuse for missing the joyful opening of the @SoundTransit #2Line is NOT "I have to stay home and do some major household chores," but only because procrastination still prevails.

Truth to tell, RantWoman decided she will try out the new rail line sometime soon and not on a day when everything is packed with celebration.

That leaves RantWoman plenty of time to post snark and occasionally go near SERIOUS POINTS about the week's news.

Consider the many legal venues where our illustrious FORMER President has scheduled appearances either in person or by proxy.

RantWoman's comment.
#OrangeFoolius wants crowds. There is I THINK a parody account wanting to send him tubas, trombones, kazoos? to serenade his comings and goings outside Trump Tower. I think a kazoo flashmob playing Hail to the Chief morning or evening would be just fabulous. I WISH there were some musicians in NY actually pulling this off.

RantWoman notes MANY reports of the defendant in the NY Election Interference trial suffering gaseous digestive eruptions and falling asleep in court. RantWoman would suggest a steady diet of legumes to build up intestinal flora helpful for the former problem. As for the latter, RantWoman wonders whether the very best way for #DonSnoreleone to assist in his own defense would be to nap as much as possible if only to avoid antagonizing the judge.

Oh but wait: now the Supreme Court and #DonTheCon claims of presidential immunity.
RantWoman has not listened to the government's side of the hearing, only the petitioner. RantWoman can't help but think that things might start off better if the lead attorney had a last name other than Sauer and also if he did not sound like a goblin.

The Supremes' key question "whether and to what extent the President enjoys immunity from prosecution," lately interpreted as when is something a private act, for instance in service to a campaign, and when is it an official act.

Kudos to Justice Coney Barrett though for getting the attorney to acknowledge that many of the specific acts listed in the Washington DC indictment are most likely private acts in service to his campaign. Based on what RantWoman made of questions from the Supremes to the petitioner's attorney, RantWoman thinks a perfectly reasonable approach would be just to send the case back to Judge Chutkan to try the facts and THEN let the defendant come back to the appeals chain to assert immunity related to specific facts. It's not like Mr. Sauer's presentation has any better foundation than the 60 some lawsuits that #TheNodFather and his campaign lost after the 2020 election.

On the other hand, if the Supremes are going to find in favor of across the board Presidential immunity, RantWoman would encourage President Biden to immediately dispatch EX President Gropesaurus to some kind of secure but comfortable facility for an extended mental health evaluation of at least a year. OF COURSE this would interfere with someone's ability to campaign. Too bad. MAYBE if President Biden were a good sport, this evaluation could start before the #GOP convention so that there would be some opportunity to settle on a different Republican candidate.

Is RantWoman's imagination running away from her...? Uh.....

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