Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 11

RantWoman keeps meeting people getting #COVID for the first time.

Is that because at least in the crowd where RantWoman was today, NO ONE wears masks prophylactically.

Yes indeed, RantWoman put on a good mask, braved rain at start of trip, made an easy bus connection, walked 5 blocks from bus to event and WENT TO A LIVE EVENT with people she mostly has only met on Zoom.

One live event miracle is all the side conversations one can have.

Event was a celebration. RantWoman still owes the world some posts from the media kit but not tonight.

By the time RantWoman walked the 5 blocks back to the same bus, rode back to Seattle, and misguessed about the best stop to get the beloved 8 home, RantWoman was EXHAUSTED.

Nose and congestion still feel not normal. But at least the #COVID test shows negative. Go figure. 

RantWoman will be trying to add more mid day walks and runs on the exercise bike to stay better in condition. 

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