January 4 is #WorldBrailleDay, Louis Braille's birthday. In honor of the occasion, American Council of the Blind affiliate the Braille revival League presents the following program.
Subject: [brl-talk] Mark your calendars for Louis Braille's birthday and "Why Braille Matters"
You matter because you know braille matters!!
January 4 is Louis Braille's birthday. He was born in 1809 which would mean that in 1825 he would have been sixteen. Many folks think this is about the time that the braille system came into existence. This would mean that this year the braille system is 200 years old. We have tried to be sure through our announcements that everybody knew that the Braille Revival League, a special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind is, for the second year in a row, celebrating Louis Braille's birthday with a major zoom event.At 1 PM eastern time on Saturday January 4th we will begin a presentation that will last for four hours. It is divided into three segments, each of which we think will help accentuate just "why Braille matters" which is the name of our presentation.
The first section will explore braille around the world. We will look at things happening in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, a Pacific island country and elsewhere. We want to explore the diversity of braille and how important it is in countries large and small.
Our second segment deals with the United States. We will look at a company in Kansas that is using braille graphics to create tactile American flags. We will hear from the American Printing House for the Blind, one of the oldest and most important braille institutions in our country. Native American Braille is something most of us have probably not thought about. We will hear from the Navaho nation about how they have worked to develop braille for that language.
Our third segment will explore our organization! What is it? What does it do? How can you help? We will also look at the state of braille today! We think with Charles Dickens that these are the best of times and the worst of times! Join us to find out why!
We will be on ACB Media 8!
Download the ACB media app from your favorite app store or find ACB media online.
Here is the zoom information. Remember this is a webinar so it will behave a little differently from what happens with the Braille Buzz!.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
When: Jan 4, 2025 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Why Braille Matters
Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:
One Tap Mobile:
+1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 843 9858 3214
BRAILLE MATTERS! Show you know it by joining us at 1 PM Eastern time Saturday January 4!
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