Friday, June 12, 2009


What the #$*@ is RantWoman supposed to do? This morning RantWoman was on the middle leg of her 3-bus ride to her destination. The layovers between the buses were all short and RantWoman was basically well-pleased with her riding experience.

The drivers were courteous. The drivers were all doing an excellent job of calling the stops. The buses were close to schedule. The weather was clear. Traffic was minimal. The rides were smooth. The passengers were helpful, especially one on the last leg who not only showed RantWoman to her destination but also provided lovely conversation on the pedestrian part of the trip.

There was just one problem. One VERY big problem. The driver on one leg of the trip was TALKING ON HIS CELLPHONE! How did RantWoman know it was the driver talking on his cellphone???? The very same exact voice that was quite appropriately calling the stops was between stops having an obviously one-sided conversation that RantWoman is certain must have been a cellphone. The content was not overly emotional. Driving conditions were excellent. Passenger decorum was holding steady. And the driver was talking on his cellphone!

RantWoman has heard second-hand that talking on a cellphone while driving a bus is a firing offense. RantWoman has no idea whether bus drivers are allowed to talk on the phone if they have a hands-free device. RantWoman really would prefer not even to have to think about the issue, especially when the very thing that helps RantWoman bust the conversation is something the drivers most certainly SHOULD be doing like calling the stops.

RantWoman generally takes a dim view of talking on the cellphone while driving. In fact, RantWoman will usually brusquely disengage from her conversation partner if it becomes clear that the person is talking on a cellphone while driving. Today's driver seemed well in control and driving conditions were very favorable. This is one reason RantWoman is Ranting in her blog instead of ranting some other directions.

But dear drivers, consider yourself warned: no matter how grateful RantWoman is for drivers who call the stops, no matter how little RantWoman wants to have to bust anyone for talking on the cellphone, RantWoman can and will do it!


  1. i only got a cellphone a year and a half ago. i don't get a lot of phone calls while I'm driving but when I have, I am completely incapable of doing both at the same time. i don't know how others do it. of course, frequently enough it appears they are no better than i am at doing it. two days ago, while walking slowly across the intersection due to a scraped knee from bike accident, a guy who was talking on the phone and seemingly trying to look behind him while turning a corner practically hit me -- had i not seen him coming and stopped walking across the street. i saw him flash by with the look people get when they realize they coulda mighta almost hit someone.

    i approve of any and all laws banning blabbering on phones while driving, whether you're a bus driver, taxi driver, or private individual driving a Prius. Freak, I outlaw cell phone while riding bikes or segways.

  2. RantWoman is pretty sternly in the "Hang up and Drive" camp. If people in vehicles need to talk on the phone that badly, they have several choices: pull over and STOP; get out of your car and onto the bus. If you are a commercial driver, USE YOUR BREAK TIME. RantWoman generally supports bus drivers having good break time and RantWoman thinks that is when they should talk on the cellphone.

    RantWoman definitely got feedback from another rider who also thinks it's really irresponsible to be talking on a cellphone while driving a bus. RantWoman thinks it's pretty irresponsible for any other party to be talking on a cellphone to someone driving a bus!

    RantWoman in fact serves notice: if something bad were to happen as a result of two parties talking on a cellphone, RantWoman might go really fast from her usual mild-mannered (stop laughing) self to litigious bitch. RantWoman would then find a hungry personal injury lawyer and try to go after both sides of the call.

    RantWoman would STRONGLY prefer that bus drivers both call the stops faithfully because it makes a big difference and NOT talk on the cellphone while driving!

    RantWoman also rides buses on several local transit agencies, and she is serving notice to all of them....
