Friday, June 12, 2009


RantWoman hesitates to rant about the fiasco of David Letterman's recent jokes about Sarah Palin and her family only because RantWoman does not think either one needs more attention. However, RantWoman is so disgusted by Letterman's jokes about the Palins' second daughter and the baseball player, so offended by his lame protestations that this is just humor that RantWoman is just shamelessly going to pour on the full measure of scorn Letterman's boorish behavior deserves.

Bear in mind, RantWoman is not a huge fan of Sarah Palin. RantWoman can understand the sexy pretty girl effect she undoubtedly added to the Republican campaign. RantWoman does not even think it terrible to have at least one candidate of any gender in the presidential campaign who knows how to field-dress a moose and who does not shy away from the title "Caribou Barbie." However, RantWoman does not find the recent Vice-Presidential candidate to be a role model of a western woman politician of anywhere near the stature of long-ago Seattle mayor Bertha Knight Landes, anti-war voter Jeanette Rankin, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, or a host of other figures.

RantWoman admits she could concur with Letterman's suggestion that Governor Palin do more optometrist ads. RantWoman could easily succumb to the temptation to play family therapist: it's no wonder Palin's 16-year-old daughter ran off and got pregnant with her Lothario boyfriend: mom had 3 other kids with a 4th on the way. Mom had a campaign and a state to run. Who the heck had any time for Bristol? Fortunately for all the rest of us, RantWOman does not have the right letters behind her name to qualify her to make the latter pronouncement. Sufficient for RantWoman's point: no matter how little RantWoman thinks of Sarah Palin, there is absolutely no excuse for making jokes that sound like invitation for some oversexed sport star to rape a 14-year-old.

The forces of sexism and snarky TV show host humor are so nauseating that RantWoman feels obliged to speak up simply in the name of decency. RantWoman finds herself wondering whether there is even one woman on Letterman's writing team. RantWoman really hopes there is SOMEONE with the sense to speak up when humor goes beyond the pale!

1 comment:


    Letterman has apparently finally apologized; RantWoman does not consider reading about that a priority. RantWoman simply notes the item above.

    What do you think dear readers? Is losing an advertiser enough of a spanking or should Letterman be fired? RantWoman notes that Letterman's level of general boorishness is not zero, but it on average is MUCH lower than Don Imus. Plus RantWoman would find it hard to live completely without Letterman's top ten lists.

    RantWoman also notes that Letterman himself has a kid who by now is in preschool or early elementary school, RantWoman reckons. RantWoman wonders what message anyone would want this kid to get about the whole affair and related behavior. RantWoman HOPES Letterman will show signs of thinking about that too.
