Monday, July 1, 2019

Faith Parking Bikeshare

RantWoman has been posting items related to various threads of #DisabilityInChurch in her non-faith-specific blog. Much as RantWoman’s faith community might like to think they are unique and insulated from currents of (glug) ableism washing over the rest of society, RantWoman collects enough data to realize that beloved faith community is not unique. RantWoman therefore invites readers to imagine the faith communities of their choice, to imagine the faith community featuring some of the Personalities referenced here (Over the top? Who? RantWoman?), and to translate any needed spiritual concepts into the local vernacular. RantWoman also hopes that clear simple things anyone can learn make it through the RantWoman exasperation fog into readers’ heads

One point of a good faith community is occasion to correct the world about all manner of sins.

Um, er, scratch that: Enough voices in RantWoman’s faith community have either made RantWoman laugh or achieved some small but extremely helpful increment of accessibility or just dialed back the screaming at RantWoman to “BE NICE” that RantWoman can see how she is, um, maybe  sometimes, very occasionally, herself falling short of the level of charm, graciousness, and spiritual radiance she aspires to. More on that elsewhere. In the meantime RantWoman is having far too many occasion to drink from the well of holy self-righteousness about matters of physical accessibility.

How NOT to park #Bikeshare bikes, part n+1

Two LimeBikes parked in the only wheelchair accessible part of the entryway
Extra #bikeshare parking scorn. the building has bike racks clearly identifiable by the bikes parked there. No need to block wheelchair accessible entry. snarl. #ADA #Accessibility 

1.       RantWoman is particularly hot about the do not block the wheelchair entry because, the night she discovered these parking SINS, RantWoman also discovered that an entity that NEEDS ADA compliant meeting spaces had rented one of the meeting rooms, PERHAPS in preference to a venue whose wheelchair accessibility RantWoman regularly complains about.

2.       RantWoman got help moving the offending @LimeBike s; RantWoman is grateful.

How not to park more than one Mercedes

Official Sunday morning #ADA #accessibility  parking snit fit. I do not care what brand of car you drive. The sign clearly says this is a disabled parking spot on Sundays!

Errant Mercedes
Mercedes, Sign, no indication of
eligibility to park there.

RantWoman has in fact observed more than one Mercedes parked in the spot in question.
RantWoman’s faith community also includes someone who is in the tow service business and who is even more fanatical about disabled parking than RantWoman. RantWoman spoke to Tow Truck guy: he had already called in the problem. Sorry, not sorry for the towing expense and citation.

Now, let us all pray…


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