Wednesday, November 6, 2019

HCIT: who knew what adventures lurk?

RantWoman's life right now is a fine picture of all the things mobile #hcit is supposed to accomplish with multiple accessibility #a11y digressions on the side.

Digression: mid-life Vocational Rehab

Digression for clinicians facing midlife vision loss: after 30 years, a typical clinician probably needs access to a whole bunch of zones of IT infrastructure. Often these various applications are finicky and do not play all that well together in the first place. In the second place, if one needs to insert assistive technology, life gets even more "fun." RantWoman knows a very experienced nurse having exactly this problem in the background of what this very system is supposed to deliver to RantWoman's phone. RantWoman remembers a somewhat similar problem when she was thinking about retrainig: she called up the corresponding software company. They put her in touch with someone who used a different slice of the product than RantWoman was going to need. RanWoman just was not as intrepid as this nurse, but having this nurse in RantWoman's corner medically would definitely give RantWoman courage.

Patient View: the data  goes mobile

Never mind gnarly #a11y issues for one user on the clinician side though. RantWoman has recently had the pure joy, well okayyyy, of seeing that very clinical software from the Mobile app opportunity to view one's own medical chart side. The nurse with the above #a11y problem suggested RantWoman just go to teh ER for a problem RantWoman has already had for weeks. RantWoman decided the problem has not killed her yet and the ER on weekends is, um, not how RantWoman wants to spend time. Luckily RantWoman was able to make an appointment in her clinic on Monday. Somewhere in the visit process, rantWoman received a link to download an app and see things like visit summaries, test results, and, RantWoman supposes, other paperwork associated with the visit.

RantWoman downloaded the app. RantWoman thinks she created an account. RantWoman thinks this because she can in fact log in from her Windows device. RantWoman even managed to log in once on her phoneand furthermore to see some actual results.

Sounds good?

RantWoman iws a nerd. RantWoman tends to read things like End User License Agreements. Well if RantWoman is feeling completely sleep-deprived she will read every word; in this case RantWoman read enough to know she means to reread more fully; the more important point is that RantWoman subsequently had problems logging in on her phone, password problems and./...and arm injury!

The gravity and  hospital narrative

What brought you here tonight?

Gravity and a deep-seated desire to have about 17 people most of whom did not tell me their names ask me the same questions over and over.

RantWoman intended to go to an event furhter south but needed to cross Rainier with the light.

There are two ugly bouts of tree vs sidewalk on the path to the stoplight. RantWoman knows they are there. Usually Ambassdor Thwack finds them with no problem, but thwack was bieng lazy still foldedup in RantWOman's hand. So RantWoman tripped. RantWoman fell. RantWoman landed on her right arm, thankfully not her shoulder or her face, the face being a separate problem.

And in the keep trying to make peace with what RantWoman's body will or won't do realm, RantWoman could not get up. As in it hurt like HELL to put any weight on her right arm. So RantWoman sat and pondered for awhile. Call a friend or just call 911. Called a friend; friend assessed and insisted on calling 911. Firemen were able to helpRantWoman stand but again the howling pain in the arm, not the shoulder thank heavens but in the arm.

Okay vertical and maike it to friend's car. Provide needed data for firemen. Friend says she will take RantWoman home but on way home she said "you need to go the ER. Which ER should we go to. RantWoman did not argue. ER on a Wednesday night is much saner than other times RantWoman has been there. Arm only hurt when RantWoman tried to move it.  Two rounds of x-rays with opportunity to lounge around in fabulous ER formal wear in between.

The verdict: a non-displaced fracture, really just a crack and not even all the way through the upper end of the right humerus. Nothing to do except take it easy, not carry anything heavier than a coffee cup and go see ortho in two weeks.

Oh look, And here is a discharge summary linked in email on RantWoman's phone, if only she can manage to enter her password without howling in pain. The sdischarge summary can wait for now.

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