Thursday, September 16, 2021 bombs accessibility badly but John Oliver is brilliant about Lukashenko

RantWoman is taking a break from the tidal wave of coronavirus #COVID hospitalizations and political chicanery crashing over the US to go, electronically to someplace where things look much worse.

RantWoman deeply esteems John Oliver for research capacity, for making eve n appalling political realities funny and for good pranks.

Watch the video first and see what the Belarus bear force is all about. Then enjoy RantWoman's Today in Unplanned Accessibility Testing.

 RantWoman was so inspired by John Oliver's evil genius marketing teddy bears in support of freedom of expression and civil rights in Belarus that RantWoman hopped on over to check out

As a public service to people who design websites such as this, PLEASE read the following and CLEAN UP YOUR  #A11Y #Accessibility ACTS.

As a public service to blind people who might want to contribute to efforts supporting liberal democatic values in Belarus: TAKE YOUR SCREEN READERS ELSEWHERE. RantWoman tried this both on her Android phone with Talkback and on a PC with JAWS.

On the PC the site wants RantWoman to accept cookies and then tells her there is a graphic. RantWoman accepted cookies. The accessibility picture did not improve.

Spoiler alert: RantWoman tried the site first on a PC. JAWS does not even find the image with the teddy bear and the "We're sorry we're sold out" text. Instead JAWS read RantWoman some random text about medical care in FL RantWoman is pretty sure John Oliver could weave text into the rest of the story: "FL, a state where the governor is in training to be Lukashenko" or some such thing but since the site provides RantWoman neither the promised teddy bears nor even an accessible way to send money to some worthy Support Democracy in Belarus effort, RantWoman is just going to have to go back to calamities closers to home also roiling her soul.

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