Monday, September 13, 2021

Puyallup in Pandemic times and grumpiness about vaccine hesitancy amony public servants

Ambassadors at the Puyallup Fair during the #pandemic

 First RantWoman offers a slightly edited version of an email she just sent upon learning that a certain statewide advocacy organization RantWoman is a proud member of will withdraw from its usual annual practice of staffing an informational booth at the Puyallup fair.

RantWoman writes:

Honestly, I know some of us are a lot more eager and willing to be out in large crowds than others. I haven't even checked to see whether King County Metro is running special buses to the fair this year

RantWoman interjects: DO NOT even think of venturing out to the fair unless you are fully vaccinated. RantWoman would like to say that but suffice it to say the rest of this screed is also needed.

Perhaps people who want to go and enjoy the fair might want to think about how to be .. ambassadors even if not at a booth.

--Be prepared for all the questions we deal with all the time about guide dogs and canes. Have strategies for dealing with the things that most drive you crazy, as well as how to have fun.

[NEVER pet a working service animal!]

[Grab the Blind Person and bless them is NEVER a thing]

[search this blog for etiquette to find more hot tips]

--Be ready to refer people to the website or the 800 number or the Facebook page

--Wear organizational or topical swag: T-shirts, hoodies, masks, jackets. See what conversations that opens up. 

--Download the WA Notify app to your phone I have no idea what it will do for the fair, but I think it's worth experimenting.

--Have fun, eat some fair food, and then report back  about your experiences. 

If you go BE SAFE. Wear masks except when eating. Repeat: WEAR MASKS. Be glad we live in a state where our governor takes a different view than ID or SD. the WA healthcare system is groaning as it is and we DO NOT want to wind up like ID.



Sure, you are free to run around risking personal COVID calamity if you want BUT

.. if you won't get vaxxed to help protect the pest of the public don't expect the public to pay your salary while you do.

As RantWoman was preparing to post the comments above, what should appear in RantWoman's inbox?

Seattle Times: dozens of public enloyees sue over vaccine mandates

See rant above. Enough said?

If not RantWoman will be happy to go off on the Twitter report she never fully followed up on about the Seattle police officer who was asked by 3 different nurses to put his mask on in the Harborview ER. Really, dude? Really?

Idaho? Did anyone mention Idaho?

Idaho's COVID Crisis becomes WA hospitals problem

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