"Director of Vertical Conveyance" is such an austentatious job title for a role RantWoman is very, very glad to have done and very, very glad not to have to do herself.
Consider RantWoman's most recent visit to the new Northgate Light Rail station #link21.
It was a cold and wintry day with lingering snow and ice.
RantWoman wanted to go from the U District to a frequent destination at 100th and Aurora. RantWoman's travel options were:
44 + a long stair climb or an even longer walk around to transfer to the E line
Take link to Roosevelt plus find the 45 then E line
Link to Northgate + 40 to Aurora + a more or less lovely walk unless one counts the realities of mature trees interacting with sidewalks.
The rumbly elevator |
There was nothing in RantWoman's email about elevator issues at either Link Station. Yes, RantWoman is on an email list for hot elevator takes. Off RantWoman went all the way to Northgate.
Were the elevator gods laughing at RantWoman?
Elevator #1, from the platform to the mezzanine, made a lot of rumbling noise in one short ride but at least it moved. The next elevator straight to street level did nothing no matter how many times RantWoman pushed the button.
The going nowhere fast elevator |
Sure, RantWoman COULD have hiked off on a long chilly walk over the John Lewis Memorial Bridge. But wind. But ice. Compare hopefully with a nice warm bus.
Back up the rumbly elevator to the platform, walk to the other end of the platform, take the elevator down to what the elevator says is street. Except it's not. There is some kind of concrete bridge which RantWoman doesn't even try to explore.
Back over to the rumbly elevator and down to the mezzanine.
RantWoman met a guy needing fare to get downtown. Cue travel ambassadors, or whatever their current title is. RantWoman has the impression there was genuine effort to help but RantWoman did not listen. Instead, she noticed another pedestrian bridge--to the parking garage.
No, RantWoman really did not want the parking garage. RantWoman wanted the most direct down to street level and the bus bays. RantWoman did try the pedestrian bridge but RantWoman generally hates parking garages on principle. Plus RantWoman could not find the elevator in dim lighting. RantWoman also was not charmed by the crosswalk with no traffic signal between the parking garage and the bus bays. So back across the pedestrian bridge.
This time RantWoman talked to a travel ambassador. Travel ambassador was remarkably cheerful especially since part of her job all day is to tell people that yes, design sucks, and redundancy leaves a lot to be desired.
No, RantWoman still did NOT want to just walk the long bridge over the freeway.
The travel ambassador offered to help RantWoman and Ambassador Thwack down some stairs. RantWoman is a large person and sometimes is reluctant to accept help if there is gravity and risk of falling on a smaller person involved.
At the bus stop |
Finally RantWoman realized that one of her hesitations about stairs that day had to do with mask and foggy glasses. It was out of doors. There was no one within yards. Off came the mask. Down the stairs slowly RantWoman went. Finally. Bus bays. A few minutes wait for the 40.
Note to self: RantMom and her walker will not find Northgate station enjoyable if the elevators aren't working. But there IS a restroom!
Further note: is RantWoman just a crank for wanting:
--clear signage to find the elevator to street level from the parking garage?
--a traffic signal for people who inexplicably need to cross from the bus bays to the parking garage or vice versa?
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