Sunday, September 29, 2024

Day 5 with a cat in Riga for company. Latvian mural features red cat named Peach


Cat vids! 

Probably RantWoman will actually dabble in "favorite" Youtube streams if she can get through some must do's first.

In the meantime, cat vids are what RantWoman has brains for. And since Latvia is on the list of places NOT wanting anything to do with a certain neighboring aggressor, this cat vid is in its own way effort to ward off evil.

Regarding #COVID brain fog, as with many muddled brains, RantWoman thinks she is just fine--until signing into Zoom or coping with the two-factor authentication she herself set up is too much. We also will not discuss failing to pay attention to a pot of formerly dried beans on the stove: beans are definitely done. Pot will need some scrubbing.  Hopefully, later the beans can turn the rest of the way into food.

Now focus enough to order a talking thermometer. RantWoman is definitely having fevers, but they are not super high fevers.

Between Tylenol and chest congestion seeming to clear up some, it no longer hurts to cough.

Taking the rest of the trash out will have to wait.Probably some exercycle time on the horizon though.

Finally, RantWoman is VERY glad to have evaded #COVID this long, annoyed to have it now, and counting herself VERY lucky about many recovery issues. RantWoman peculiarly is heartened to hear of others in her circle getting #COVID for the first time. Misery loves company?

PS For Future Reference,

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