Monday, September 30, 2024

Day 6: Masks and chopped celery

Second bar took awhile
Covid test card

 The last few tests, the second bar appears almost as soon as the test solution hits the card. This one took awhile.

Weird because I still feel a little #COVID y

Lungs keep clearing.

A little achy but the same taste I always get with tylenol.

Finally decided to go ahead and order vegetables. I should have waited because friends offered. But chopping and freezing celery and green peppers feels like needed exercise.

Cognitively, somehow misjudged distance. Bumped a neighbor who told me to go take a nap. But definitely had brain cells for next in a series of COOL software trainings.

Topical Rant

RantWoman HATES paper masks.

RantWoman dislikes waste and feeling forced into disaster capitalism.

RantWoman finds paper masks irritating.

RantWoman hearts cloth masks

any mask is better than no mask.

Enough said.

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